About three years ago our eldest daughter Purple qualified to attend Caloocan City Science High School. CCSHS is a prestigious public school that has produce students that became successful in their chosen fields. At first, she was uncertain to enroll because she has no friends there. But as her parents we convince her that it would be best for her and her future if she would study in a science high school.
Fast forward into the present, she now has a lot of friends and even though it is hard, she is doing very well in her studies. Purple is now in Grade nine and just recently had been awarded an Academic excellence award with high honors. We are so proud of her achievement. All her hard worked had paid off. We have witnessed her study hard sometimes with just a few hours of sleep just to finish her activities. When we see her study hard or finish a lot of schoolwork. We can’t help but question ourselves if we made the right decision. I think, all parents wish the best for their children, all we can do is support them and provide what they need.
Right now, having Purple study in CCSHS is what is best for her. As her parents we support her in any way we can. Her mom The Peach Kitchen prepares nutritious meals for her, make sure she takes her vitamins, and help her on her activities as much as we can. We also make sure that she has other activities outside of school, to reduce her stress from all that schoolwork and study.
This Excellence award has proven her hard work and determination. A pat on the back for a job well done. Thank you CCSHS for recognizing your students hard work and continue nurturing students of Caloocan city.
We are so proud of you Purple, Congratulations and keep up the good work. We love you so much.❤️😘
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