The future can be a daunting prospect so it is essential you prepare for it. It is a lesser-known fact that you should start putting money aside for your retirement in your 20s. Unfortunately, people think they will live forever and will worry about it another day, perhaps another year. However, if you put away just 10% of your total monthly earnings each month then you should have a lovely retirement pot by the time you are 60.
Look After Yourself Right Now
If you focus on your health and wellbeing from the get-go you will more than likely lead a happy healthy life with very minimal health problems. A healthy balanced lifestyle consists of both diet and fitness levels. The age-old saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away is very apt for this. If you enjoy a diet that contains all the essential food groups then your body will have everything it needs to function normally. In terms of physical exercise, you should be aiming for at least 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous exercise each day. Vigorous exercise is something that gets your heart racing, such as running or swimming.
As well as your diet and fitness you need to remember that mental health is also important. In order to look after your brain and cognitive functions, you should think about doing word and number puzzles. Daily crosswords and sudoku will help you keep that grey matter working and fight the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Think About Your Retirement
There is a lot to think about when it comes to retirement. If you are a young spring chicken then retirement might be the last thing on your mind. Like with your health it is better to take action when you are young so you can reap the benefits when you are older and wiser. Putting away money each month will help you work towards a nice tidy retirement fund that you can enjoy in old age. It is never too late to start planning your retirement, you might be panicking that you are over 20 and now there’s no point. There is always a point and you can start putting money away as soon as you can. There are online calculators that will help you work out how much you need to put away at different ages.
Get Your Affairs In Order
Unfortunately, part and parcel of getting older is coming to terms with the fact that illness and old age may take you away from your family. Preparing both them and yourself for this can take away some of the shock when it does happen. There are funeral plans out there that you can fill in before you pass away. This makes it easier for your friends and family members to know what your wishes were. You might like the idea of everyone wearing bright colors or you want certain songs played so people remember you. Something else that your family might like the idea of is keepsakes and memorial gifts, there are various ones available including vases and frames.
We hope this helps you achieve your goals for the future and you have a long healthy life leading into retirement.
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