When our eldest daughter was born my wife and I were clueless. We were new parents and there were a lot of things we did not know about our new born. We needed to learn overnight, because we were no experts and we made a lot of mistakes a long the way. But we were wise enough to seek advice from our parents and doctors. From changes in my wife’s moods and body when she was pregnant, to waiting and wondering if both of them are okay inside the Delivery room, to the sleepless nights and days. From conception to birth having a new born is scary.
New parents should accept a change in lifestyle, relationships, food, clothes, and a lot more. Having a baby is a total life overhaul.
Pediatrician Dr. Josephine “Joy” T.R. Hidalgo has seen it all. She has journeyed with hundreds of mothers and babies through ten years of practice, and this is what encourage her to write her book, Your Newborn Is a Blessing– A Guide to Your Baby’s Health from Conception to Birth.
In her book, Dr. Joy shares no-holds-barred facts about pregnancy and giving birth. She lays down all expected changes and events from conception down to medicine and vaccines that the baby will need after birth. Your Newborn Is a Blessing even talks to the husbands, discussing in detail the support that they must give their wives and the baby.
One thing that new parents will like about this book is how it is written. Though full of information, it is a pleasure to read. Every chapter has illustrations, easy-to-remember acronyms, and the entire book is even a story about a happy family welcoming a newborn. Your Newborn Is a Blessing is also written by a Filipino doctor, making the examples very relevant and relatable to Filipino parents.
How Do You Find The Perfect Yaya?
After taking care and welcoming your newborn it is time to go back to work. After all we need to work to earn money to provide the needs of our family, and our Leave’s are just a few days. If only we can be with our baby 24/7, we would. However, we know that we need to do other things too, like go to work, do household chores, and even socialize once in a while. That’s why many parents hire a helper or a “yaya” to help them manage a household and care for their children.
Dr. Joy because has written a book, Wanted: Perfect Yaya-7 Easy Steps to Equip Your Child’s Caregiver.
In Her book, Dr. Joy shares a list of things to teach your “yaya”, all things that they must know, do and never do. She lays down the most common scenarios with “yayas”, babies, and mothers, adding options of what moms should do during these events.
Wanted: Perfect Yaya will educate parents on the things that they should know first about their kids when it comes to health, and what things the “yaya” should also learn. Every chapter has illustration, easy to remember acronyms. The entire book is even a story book about a mother, her baby and their “yaya” stories. Written by a Filipino doctor all the examples are very relevant and relatable to Filipino parents.
This books are available at National Book Store and other leading bookstores nationwide. You may also order online by clicking one of the links above.
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